Saturday, June 14, 2008
Sir Isaac Newton - The Alchemist
Sir Isaac Newton introduced the concept of Gravitation as a pervasive force controlling the motion of all Celestial and Earth bound objects. Later in life, Newton redirect his attention to Alchemy.
At his time, it was easy to think that the Ancients- who had such a rich culture - had many of their teachings lost in the night of times (Dark Ages) ... and they were.... until the Renaissance... I am sure many of their achievements are still not fully recovered.
Newton realized that there is such a thing as Action-At-Distance (in the proper relativistic obeying physical sense). It turned out that there is only action at distance, nothing else. Even when two surfaces are in contact, there is a distance between the layers of atoms that comprise those surfaces.
Newton correctly understood that there should be a framework of waves guiding everything that happens in this Universe. He looked into the hairlike growth of crystals in solution and envisioned a field guiding the positioning of each atom or piece of matter...:)
He was very close to understanding the whole Universe. The only missing element was the fourth spatial dimension and the understanding of how fine was the framework.
In my theory, I proposed that this framework is a mesh of dilatons with a four-dimensional wavelength equal to the Compton wavelength of a Fundamental Dilator (a Hydrogen atom)...:)
In the derivation of my Grand Unification equations I used the dilator and the dilaton field created by it as a single entity. This is because a dilator surfs its own dilaton field as it creates it or the local dilaton field if it is interaction with other dilators. Of course, the dilaton field extends aways even in our 3D spatial hypersphere as it is created and has its own existence.
The 4DSpacetime projection of the 5D Spacetime dilaton field is the de Broglie wave associated with the particle.
This means that the de Broglie waves are not just an artifact nor are they matter waves in the current sense. Dilators (matter) still are localized within the de Broglie wavefront. The difference is that given a mechanism for de Broglie wave interference, the matter (dilators) will follow trajectories that reflect the interference pattern. Given enough dilators, the complete resulting interference deposition pattern will occur.
The dilator free dilaton field (matter free metric) will contain all the oscillating metric deformations in accordance to my Grand Unification Equation - the equation for the dilaton field resulting from a group of dilators.
As you know, one can only guess what Newton was trying to see when he recreated crystal growth in solution. Those experiments yield interesting and well defined structures which are the result of atomic interaction...
I imagined the curious Newton trying to see them as the result an Action-At-Distance force. In the Hypergeometrical Universe language, he would be trying to see the effect of a dilaton field.
Since the dilaton field is simple to understand in a four dimensional spatial framework but very difficult to understand just by looking at their hyperbolic projections, Newton faced a very difficult challenge.
Newton's alchemical crystal growing experiments reflected that dilaton field in an much more complex manner. Those experiments did not provide the proper insight but they were a fair attempt at discovering dilatons.
Newton arrive too early but he had the enough insight to keep looking for the dilaton framework. I benefited from Einstein's mistakes like somehow thinking that only Gravitation deformed space...:) Why would that be the case????
Sheep-like scientists have been repeating this Mantra for a hundred years without ever asking that simple question.
More than three hundred years ago Sir Isaac Newton asked it and pursued its answer in his Alchemical Experiments. That is what I would call the Wisdom of the Ancients.
Monday, June 09, 2008
The Echoes of the Big Bang
The obvious question to ask is if matter didn't, doesn't and will never travel faster than the speed of light, what generated the echoes..>:)
Of course, after the two cross-sections shown above, there shouldn't be any doubt that the Big Bang generated NO ECHOES...:) There isn't any wall just outside space...:)If you think about my proposed Cosmogenesis where the Big Bang is the result of the decomposition (with incomplete reassimilation) of a dipolar (or multipolar) metric deformation of a 4D Spatial Manifold..:) then you will realize that the circle corresponds to our 3D Universe.
You should also realize the symmetry associated with a circle. The Big Bang occurred on all points of that circle at the same time...:) As the circle expanded, light from one radian would always reach you no matter where you look at.
That obvious symmetry also explains in a trivial manner why the temperature of different points of the Universe are the same...:) No BS or Inflation of any sort is necessary...:)
Since one radian corresponds to a region of space traveling alway from you at the speed of light, you will never see exactly the Big Bang, but you will be able to see that light coming from its neighborhood. That light (Gamma Radiation) will be shifted into the microwave region and form the Microwave Cosmic Background...
History Channel is playing again a show about those Echoes.. .and you know that makes my blood boil...:) so I had to challenge Pebbles to take the opposing position...:) Brian Greene would be also welcome to respond to this...:) Or Alan Guth...:)
Sunday, June 08, 2008
The Mass of a Neutrino
The Mass of a Neutrino
Einstein's paradigm of a 4D Spacetime was later patched up with compact curled spaces - one for each new unnecessary quantum number (Strangeness, Bottom-Up etc) scientists introduced into their Standard Model...:)
The resulting patched Spacetime is still basically a 4D Spacetime in nature, that is, if there is a 3D point where the Universe started (Big Bang), then that same universe can return (Big Crunch) under the force of Gravitation...:)
That Big Crunch depends upon the sum of all masses and that includes those ubiquitous neutrinos...:)
Much speculation, calculations etc has been done on that subject.
Let me tell you my view of it...:)
As I mentioned in the Galileo Biggest Blunder, inertial mass and Gravitational Mass have been inadvertently made equal in the Galileo' Equivalence Principle.
In my theory that is not the case. Inertial and Gravitational Masses are only the same for standard matter...:) stuff composed of protons, electrons and neutrons.
Inertial mass is associated with the resistance to deformation of Fabric of Space on the footprints of matter (dilators).
Gravitational mass is modeled in my theory as the 4D displacement volume associated with dilator's cycles. This means that one can have a footprint on the 3D Fabric of Space and have ZERO GRAVITATIONAL MASS. This will always be the case if the frequency of the dilaton fields are not the same as the fundamental dilator frequency.
Every time someone says something about being in phase or having a frequency one has to mention what kind of clock is being used. Of course, proper time is not a good clock...;) The Tau vector (direction of Proper Time) depends upon local deformation of the Fabric of Space. This makes it clear that the only clock one can use is the Cosmological Time which is visible in both cross-sections of the Lightspeed Expanding Hyperspherical Universe shown above.
To understand what one means by frequency just analyse the Neutron Coherence Diagram below:
One can easily recognize the Electron and Proton sub-coherences. The remaining steps correspond to rotations within the 3D space. Notice that the two states involved (2/3,-1/3,2/3) and (2/3,2/3,-1/3) differ just by a 90 rotation around the x axis. Four rotations will bring the deformational state back into its original state.
This is the Electron Neutrino - a coherence between two states of the Proton.
The Transmutation Sub-Coherences or Chords (red lines in this case) creates the needed delay between spinning and tunneling processes such as to move the electron state into a proton state and vice-versa. The resulting coherence has both negative and positive "charges", thus is a Neutron.
The decaying of a Neutron frees the red lines or Electron Neutrino. Since the rotation in a 3D space frequency doesn't match the tunneling frequency of the Fundamental Dilator Coherence, the neutrino interaction will average out to ZERO at any distance that is not really small...:)
That is the reason for the ethereal nature of Neutrinos...
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Pion Decay Details
I should repeat the same detailed description I created for the Delta decay.
A complex coherence sequence with multiple fundamental dilator chords is a polymer, in the sense that its 3D representation seemingly contains more than one particle. In reality, one should be able to see three particles (does that rings a Bell someplace) in the case of a Pion Minus, two in the case of a Neutron...
The decaying reaction for the trimeric Pion Minus can be redrawn as:
Please click the picture to see a larger version of it. The left side fo the decaying equation is the Pion Minus coherence followed up to six Fundamental Dilator Cycles (FDC) This is because the Pion Minus is a trimer thus it requires three FDC to cover a full cycle while the Muon Neutrino Transient State is a dimer. The minimum common multiple is six Fundamental Dilator Cycles.
Of course, each Balls Diagram has a corresponding state diagram. The Pion Minus corresponds to the following coherence:
Reading the coherence from left to right, one can identify:
1) Electron Fundamental Dilator
2) Half-Muon Neutrino (Electron-Positron Transmutation Chord - the blue line).
3) Positron Fundamental Dilator
4) Half-Muon Neutrino (Electron-Positron Transmutation Chord - the blue line).
5) Electron Fundamental Dilator
6) Electron - Proton Transmutation Chord followed by an Proton-Electron Transmutation Chord. This is equivalent to an Electron Neutrino.
Just for sake of being throrough let's revise the Neutron Balls and Coherence Diagrams.
and its Coherence Diagram:
Reading the coherence from left to right, one can identify:
1) Electron Fundamental Dilator
2) Half ElectronNeutrino (Electron-Proton Transmutation Chord - the red line).
3) Proton Fundamental Dilator
4) Half ElectronNeutrino (Electron-Proton Transmutation Chord - the red line).
6) Electron - Proton Transmutation Chord followed by an Proton-Electron Transmutation Chord. This is equivalent to an Electron Neutrino.
The only three construct that one requires to understand are the Fundamental Dilator, the Electron-Proton Transmutation Chord and the Electron-Positron Transmutation Chord. All Hyperons, and isotopes are just combinations of those three elements.
Of course, isotopes are even simpler. They only have protons and neutrons or fundamental dilators and Electron-Proton and Proton-Electron Transmutation Chords. Since isotopes are complex coherences, their 3D representation is a very, very complex tridimensional rotating object composed of many fundamental dilators.
Please feel free to ask any questions.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Pion Minus Decay
Pion Minus Decay
The Pion Minus is the simplest member of the Hyperon Family. It decays into two channels:
PionMinus=> Electron + NeutrinoElectron + NeutrinoMuon:
The Electron-Positron connected with two blue transmutation notes is the NeutrinoMuon while the Electron-Proton states connected with two red transmutations notes is the NeutrinoElectron. The collapse of the Electron or Positron coherence into a single state is because the fundamental coherence does not introduce any strain into the fabric of space, thus those coherences are similar in "energy" or 3D Volume. Those two states have similar energies. One can easily envision decaying reactions where multiple electron-positron pairs are introduced and the neutrino nature is not changed, that is, its frequency is not synchronous with the fundamental dilator and thus it does not interact with the surroundings. An elecron and a positron dilator sequences of opposing spin have zero displacement volume. The transmutations notes is all that remains after their anihilation. This is a reduction into an irreducible representation of the original particle and releases little energy.
From these drawings one can answer the perennial question of the mass of a neutrino...:) It has inertial mass... but it doesn't have gravitational mass...:)
If you didn't read my Gallileo Gallilei Biggest Blunder, here is the retrospective review. Inertial mass is the 3D footprint of the dilator. There is obviously some 3D footprint, thus there is obviously inertial mass. The Gravitational mass has to do with the intensity AND FREQUENCY of the dilaton waves. The intensity has to do with the 4D displacement volume of the fundamental dilator within a cycle. Obviously, there is a 4D displacement volume. There is a FREQUENCY MISMATCH...which averages out all dilaton-dilator interaction resulting in a NULL Gravitational Mass..
The other channel is the following:
PionMinus=> MuonMinus + ElectronNeutrino
where the Muon Minus decayed into an electron and a electron neutrino.
This decaying reaction was short-circuited in my previous blog. I write these blogs very quickly and managed not to correctly write the decay reaction. What I wrote was just the Pion Minus and Neutrino assignments.
Now, I finally have the chance correct that error. Please notice that I am considering that current experimentalists did not realize that two neutrinos are released as opposed to just one along the first channel, that is, what people call a Muon Neutrino contains two neutrinos - the Muon Neutrino per si and an Electron Neutrino, released in subsequent decays. In this assignment both a Muon Neutrino and an Electron Neutrino are released by the Pion Minus decay.
Current understanding is that only the Muon Neutrino is released..>:) My view is that the initial transitory state decays into the Muon and Electron Neutrino channel.