Saturday, August 16, 2008

Good news... The links are finally unbroken. Finally you will be able to get the latest version of the theory as well as to visit this new site where this blog and more is shown.

I was able to add a Latex plugin into this new site and thus I will be able to every so often display an equation. Science without equations is never realized. Of course, my theory has all the required equations (Grand Unification Equation and the derivation of all forces of Nature) in my papers (pdfs).

Please feel free to download them and ask questions.



Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pion Decay along Path Two

Pion Decay along Path Two

The prior assignment for Muon Minus in my theory was given by:

Of course, this assignment was designed to be consistent with the decay pathway leading to an electron, an electron neutrino and a muon neutrino.

This would be consistent with a different initial Pion Glutonic State, that is, a Pion that swallow an extra electron-positron pair...:)

Along this pathway, a Pion in the First Glutonic State decays into an Muon Minus and an Muon Neutrino. The Muon Minus then decays into an electron, an muon neutrino and an electron neutrino. This means that along this pathway, the Pion decays into an electron, two muon neutrinos and an electron neutrino.

Where here one would start with a pentameric pion minus (as opposed to a trimeric moiety) resulting in the expected neutrino ratio. This might be a better assignment for the pion state associated with the muon pathway. Current experiments are not sensitive enough to distinguish a trimeric from a pentameric pion. Assignments are tricky if one considers the lack of precision on the determination of the initial state of any decay reaction (e.g. Pion decay). Since the only discrepancy is the Pion Minus (trimeric) decaying into a muon Minus, I will consider that reaction to be starting from a Pion Minus* state (Pentameric Pion Minus).

Experiments that would probe the deformation susceptibility of the Fabric of Space are eons in the future - if not longer...:) They would be happening now if there wasn't such a horrendous censorship in Science.

Of course, those experiments would use the Coherent Fusion scheme I proposed...:)

As soon as I have some time, I will present how to calculate the masses of everything and how to model Fabric of Space Deformation Susceptibility...:)



Pion Decay along Path One

Pion Decay along Path One

The Introduction of Glutonic States of Matter...;)

We hear everyday the the world is getting fatter...:) especially the people here in the US...:) It just happens that the Universe always had little Glutons... or at least Glutonic States..>:)

As usual, after writing a whimsical posting I realize that I should had detailed everything in the most clear fashion possible. Certain points are too relevant to leave understated.

That is certainly the case of Pion decay. Pions are created during collisions between Protons and Anti-Protons in the heart of colliders. These particles importance is speculated (wildly) within the orthodox science (speculation)...:)

First let's consider first the reduced representation of the Tau Neutrino and its relationship with the Muon and Electron Neutrinos. Their diagrams is shown below:

This diagrams are easily associated with their state diagram shown below:
where one can easily see the Proton State coherences (Electron Neutrino - which is a sum of two Electron-Proton Transmutation chords) and Electron State coherences (Muon Neutrino - which is a sum of two Electron-Positron Transmutation chords).

Of course, the Electron-Proton transmutation chord which corresponds to a spatial rotation in the 3D space (hypersurface) would become a Positron-Antiproton transmutation chord if applied to an initial positronic state...:)

A Pion Minus decays into an Muon Minus and a muon neutrino. Experimental evidence indicates that the ratio between muon and electron neutrinos is closer to one..>:) consistent with this picture.

This simple picture totally explains the why the ratio between Muon and Electron Neutrinos is around ONE.

This puzzling result is consistent with having the starting Pion state to be the slimmest Glutonic Pion State. Later we will see what happens when one starts from the first Glutonic State.



Saturday, August 09, 2008

Something about Pions...:)

The miniBooNE Experiment

If I had a Pion for every time I corrected Science I would be a very rich man...:)

The miniBooNE experiment was created to confirm the Neutrino Oscillatory Model, that is, it was designed to see neutrinos metamorphose themselves as a function of distance traversed from point they were created.

After reading this posting you will realize why I don't believe they will see an oscillation, despite the fact that I created the appropriate relationship between the three neutrino states...:)
I scratched my head and went in one direction and another about this problem because I didn't had the correct story. Let me tell you the little information I had to go about solving this problem.

First, I heard or read the there were missing electron neutrinos from fusion reactions in the Sun and that was the reason for the Neutrino Oscillation Model proposition. Someone got a Nobel Prize for that idea..:) - don't quote me on that...:) I haven't kept in touch with the
Nobelists lately...

At first, I thought that that was a stupid idea. The masses of the three neutrinos alledgedly involved in this menage a trois were extremely different.

Fermion Symbol Mass[4]
Generation 1 (electron)
Electron neutrino 2.2 eV
Electron antineutrino 2.2 eV
Generation 2 (muon)
Muon neutrino 170 keV
Muon antineutrino 170 keV
Generation 3 (tau)
Tau neutrino 15.5 MeV
Tau antineutrino 15.5 MeV
There was no way that a punny electron neutrino would convert into a gigantic Tau neutrino for any measurable length of time (larger than the uncertainty principle associated with that mass or energy difference). I wouldn't expect that event to be measurable.

Initiallly, I recognized that the Tau Neutrino which was considered to be so fat could be just an intermediate Fat State... a Glutonic Phase of the Tau Neutrino that he would just as well want to forget...:)

Let's review the origin of that Glutonic State (Tau Neutrino Fat State).

The Tau Lepton decays accordingly to the branching ratio:

17.84% for decay into a tau neutrino, electron and electron neutrino
17.36% for decay into a tau neutrino, muon and muon neutrino

or into
3 Pions plus a Tau Neutrino. The other relevant reference is here

The mass confusion is due to the fact that the three decay paths mentioned would result in three different Glutonic States of the Tau Neutrino..:)

Let's consider first the reduced representation of the Tau Neutrino and its relationship with the Muon and Electron Neutrinos. Their diagrams is shown below:

This diagrams are easily associated with their state diagram shown below:
where one can easily see the Proton State coherences (Electron Neutrino - which is a sum of two Electron-Proton Transmutation chords) and Electron State coherences (Muon Neutrino - which is a sum of two Electron-Positron Transmutation chords).

The Tau Lepton decaying into three Pions gives away its slimmest Tau Neutrino.
Below is the Tau Lepton:

which decays into:
Of course, the Electron-Proton transmutation chord which corresponds to a spatial rotation in the 3D space (hypersurface) would become a Positron-Antiproton transmutation chord if applied to an initial positronic state...:)

It is easy to see that if one breaks apart the Tau Lepton along the two other branches, the resulting Tau Neutrino will carry the leftover mass. Let's consider the first branch:
17.84% for decay into a tau neutrino, electron and electron neutrino

Here are the products from the Tau Minus Lepton decay (tau neutrino, electron and electron neutrino):
as you can see this is a Fatter Tau Neutrino. The extra energy is later released when Electrons and Positrons intra-coherences annihilate each other. Of course, as the coherence simplifies itself, energy is stored in linear and angular momentum. A simplied coherence rotates in 3D faster (complex coherences have helicity due to pseudo rotation).

The other decay pathway will result in another Tau Neutrino.

As you can see the transmutation chords are preserved, although the number of transmutation chords is not conserved within the Tau Neutrino and thus these two Glutonic States have different masses...:)

The second part of the puzzle is an experiment that doesn't produce the number of neutrinos the current standard model expected. The experiment is simply the decay of a Pion>>:)

A Pion Minus decays into an Muon Minus and a muon neutrino. On the other hand, a Muon Minus decays into an electron, a muon neutrino and an electron neutrino >>>> Hence the Pion Minus has to decay into an electron, two muon neutrinos and one electron neutrino.. That is obvious..:)

Experimental evidence indicates that the ratio between muon and electron neutrinos is closer to one..>:)

Of course, this is what one would have if one were to understand the Universe in a simpleton manner, that is, in terms of particles...

In terms of coherences the perspective is different. The simple answer is that a Pion Minus also decays into an electron, a muon neutrino and an electron neutrino directly...:)

How could that be...:) One would expect that the itsy bitsy parts of the pion to be preserved..:) quarks etc...

The image is different if one considers a Fourier view (coherence view) of particles. In that case, the muon neutrino is equivalent to a rotation of the electron state around in the 3D space. This part of the coherence repeats together with the coherence for the lifetime of the Pion. If the pion components (electron and positron) annhihilate themselves such that the two electron-positron transmutation chords become sequential that doesn't change the nature of that chord. It is still a muon neutrino. This means that two (many) muon neutrinos intra-chord is the same as one single neutrino ejected.

Below is the Pion Minus decaying into an electron and a single muon neutrino and an electron neutrino.
This is the simple answer for the neutrino problem.



PS- if you paid attention the pion minus decay could be assigned in the following manner:

Where here one would start with a pentameric pion minus (as opposed to a trimeric moiety) resulting in the expected neutrino ratio. This might be a better assignment for the pion state associated with the muon pathway. Current experiments are not sensitive enough to distinguish a trimeric from a pentameric pion. Assignments are tricky if one considers the lack of precision on the determination of the initial state of any decay reaction (e.g. Pion decay). Since the only discrepancy is the Pion Minus (trimeric) decaying into a muon Minus, I will consider that reaction to be starting from a Pion Minus* state (Pentameric Pion Minus).

The Muon Minus will have to be reassigned into:

Experiments that would probe the deformation susceptibility of the Fabric of Space are eons in the future - if not longer...:) They would be happening now if there wasn't such a horrendous censorship in Science.

Of course, those experiments would use the Coherent Fusion scheme I proposed...:)



Sunday, August 03, 2008

The Silence of the Lambs

The Silence of The Lambs..:)

This blog is about to reach its 20,000 unique IP readers...:) Hurray!!!!

I didn't know there were so many cosmologists, string theorists, particle physicists in the planet...:)

There are many reasons to celebrate...

The theory has been published in two books:

  • Quantization in Astrophysics - containing the Grand Unification and New Cosmology Paradigm
  • Hadron Physics New Energy Issues - Containing the Hypergeometrical Standard Model

not that bad for something created in the everyday commuting to work (on a shaking NYC subway..>:)

and also the following crowning achievements...:)

  1. I corrected Newton's equations by eliminating all non-geometrical elements of Classical Mechanics.
  2. I kept the theory relativistic despite of introducing Absolute Time and a Preferential Frame of Reference or at least a preferential direction of reference (R).
  3. Somehow, it seems that I introduced a geometrical interpretation of Lorentz transforms of all things... I did not hear any angry relativistic cosmologists telling me otherwise...which is a surprise... I thought everyone knew that Lorentz transform is a rotation by an imaginary angle...
  4. I introduced a new model for matter... the first non-obvious model. Up to know things were waves, particles or particle-waves...:) The dilator is a wavegenerator that flows like a wave...:)
  5. The Humble Fundamental Dilator shows how a proton and an electron are the same entity and have the same 4D Mass, thus simplifying tremendously the understanding and unification of the Universe.
  6. The Humble Fundamental Dilator is also the hidden variable Einstein tried throoughout his whole life to find. The entity that creates Quantum Mechanics.
  7. I challenged the concept of Field and showed that implicit in it is the existence of a Cosmological Coherence (all dilators in the Universe dilate in synch with their local dilaton fields). Synchronization is evident using absolute time (in the RXYZ frame).
    I Grand Unified all the Forces (Gravitation and Electromagnetism) while providing a replacement for the Gluon-Quark paradigm (the dilator itself) and for the Electroweak force (the advent of nonlinear hadronics)...
  8. In replacing the Gluon-Quark paradigm I modified the symmetry requirements for a Grand Unification or Supersymmetry Theory. The pesky Reciprocal Symmetry is eliminated and with that the need that everything very slow to have the same energy as everything very fast...:) This is an outrageous symmetry... Physicist should be kissing my ring for eliminating such nasty constraint....:)
  9. I proposed the solution for all energy problems in the shape of fusion reactors while produce fusion (or fission) products along a single direction (or cone)...:) Energy is readily extracted through magneto-hydrodynamics means... Charged products make up powerful currents to be slowed down by reversed accelerators...:)
  10. I proposed a now topology for the Cosmos...:) which eliminates the need for Einstein Cosmological Constant, dark energy, inflation... This at a time when inflationary people are adjusting their parameters to explain the whole chimichanga...:) Very unfortunate...:) At least at this time, I would love to say Ockham's Razor... People have already readied their acceptance speeches for the Nobel Ceremony...:) Horrible situation...:)
  11. In creating this new topology, I explained why the speed of light is the limiting speed in our Fabric of Space..(3D Universe)...
  12. I acknowledged that in fact things can move faster than the speed of light by traveling (surfing) along an interference pattern...:) This might be someday used to create superluminal traveling when people learn how to pattern dilaton fields...:) or die waiting to ride a Tachyon driven spacecraft...:)
  13. I provided the equations to Cosmological Constants (vacuum permittivity and magnetic susceptibility).
  14. I also showed that the Gravitational Constant is not constant and scaled down with the inverse of the age of the Universe....:) Earlier times had stronger Gravitational fields..>:)
  15. The Gravitational "constant" dependence provides the blueprint for the demise of the Universe...:) The relaxation of the dilators... A totally new Cosmogony..>:)
  16. I provided an alternative explanation for the Action-At-Distance paradox which bothered Einstein so much and that is the basis for a total delusional state of mind where people throw their hands up and accept anything..:) from time travel to time traveling backwards in Black Holes ... to Black Holes...:)
  17. I also provided an alternative explanation for the Double Slit Experiment. In my theory, dilators (electron included) travel on a four dimensional space at the center of a horospherical reference frame. The waves it creates are the same it surfs, that is, the electron surfs a four-dimensional wave (dilaton field) and by simple projection, it also surfs the 3D projection (de Broglie waves). This means that the de Broglie wave is not a matter wave. Instead, it is a metric deformation wave created by the dilator. The much larger wavelength is due to the way things are projected in an hyperbolic space... The electron in the two slit experiment will travel through a single slit while its dilaton field projection will travel through both...:) On the other side of the barrier, the electron will continue to surf the interferometric dilaton fields and thus will deposit itself on an interferometric pattern onto the detector..:) Very simple and again I would love to say, Ockham's Razor... despite my qualms about its usage...:)
  18. I provided a simple multi-coherence (dilator dimensional chords) description for each and every hyperon and isotope (isotopes are trivial since they only have protons and neutrons)...: )
  19. I provided an alternative solution to the mass paradigm by assigning it to an overlapping 4D volume (dilator overlapping with the fabric of space at specific phases of the dilator spinning).
  20. I created an extrinsic representation for the Spin.... that obscure quantity that bothered so many quantum physics students for so long...:) and explained What the Hell is the meaning of 1/2 ... as you might know rotation description does not include any quadratic potential and thus there isn't any zero point rotation....:) It was always a bothering 1/2 to me...:)
  21. In making Spin extrinsic, I introduced the delightful Girlfriend on a Swing Gedanken Experiment to show how time could be Pseudo-Quantized..>:)
  22. I corrected all Newton's equations (Four of them) and provided the really relativistic Biot-Savart law. That law can be used to project better Tokamaks if that is the way one wants to proceed.
  23. Einstein also got his share...:) In creating an Absolute Time and explaining the meaning of inertia, I rebutted Mach's principle of nonlocal interaction and restored Newton's Absolute Time..>:) which times the existence of the Universe as opposed to our short existence...:)
  24. I did all this by looking into what people did right and throwing away without fear what people did wrong...:) That was easy since I don't have to write this as a grant to my reactionary peers..:)
  25. Most of all, I told you that the most important outlet for Physics - The Cornell-Los Alamos E-Print Repository should be in the hands of someone more capable than Paul Ginsparg. It is a shame Science can be silenced by arbitrary actions of a single person...:)

I also pleaded for my Lambs not to remain silent and to speak up their minds. I value criticism and would be happy to post any one of your meaningful comments. I know that in those nine thousand readers many are scientists (professional scientists).

What I expect from them is either a statement telling me that I made a mistake here or there or some active action against the barriers that precluded a more wider distribution of this theory, namely, to request, demand that my theory receives a 1 megabyte space on the Cornell-Los Alamos E-Print Repository hard drive..:) NOT TOO MUCH TO ASK...:)

I've fulfilled all the requirements to post the theory there... (already peer-reviewed, published work that has been endorsed)...:)

Double-click the Bird below to find out more..>:)

I would welcome anyone to take the initiative to publish my paper on the Cornell-Los Alamos Arxives. :)

The pdf is here. This is a shorter version of the theory. Just below 1 megabyte length. It was accepted and endorsed the last time I attempted posting it there.

As I mentioned, I would be eternally grateful to anyone (My Giordano Bruno) that would bring this work to a wider audience through posting it at the Arxives or through forwarding this blog link or the pdfs to other people...

Considering that this theory provides a new paradigm for Coherent Nuclear Fusion, the planet you might save might be yours...:)

Feynman wouldn't blink in face of this challenge...:)

The current version of the work is here.

I know that if you do so, Paul Ginsparg might place you on his blacklist. I know that I am not a professional scientist any longer..:) I know it all....

I also know the VALUE OF IDEAS and that they are worth fighting for. I don't expect any thing less from a scientist (professional or not)...

Just think, "What would Richard P. Feynman do????"

Poets say science takes away from the beauty of the stars - mere globs of gas atoms. I, too, can see the stars on a desert night, and feel them. But do I see less or more? Richard P. Feynman

Don't make me explain analogies:

  • Poets - String Theorist, Supersymmetrists...Gauge Physicists...:)
  • the Beauty of the Stars - The Beauty of Weyl Fermions, Higgs, Bosons, Dirac Matrices, etc...
  • Mere globs of gas atoms - My humble and simple theory
  • Feynman - The little me...



PS_I wonder if my friends from the Laser Laboratory at UofR or at the Fermi Lab are reading the changes in paradigm for nuclear fusion....:) I once told Professor Huizenga while attending a party at his house, that I knew how to make a Gamma Ray laser... He looked very surprised and most likely somewhat amused..>:)

I am sure that in his mind briefly passed those concerns about the problems pumping an ultrafast decaying nuclear transition, etc... As usual, people can only think within the paradigms they lived by...I wasn't able to create any interest in that brief interaction...:)

I told the same thing to Gary Holton many years ago... Life is full of hits and misses...As usual , I would love to hear from my friends at UPenn, Princeton, Berkeley, UofChicago..>:) CERN, Steven Hawking comes to mind, the 5Dimension Centre, USAF, Whiteman Airforce Base, The Institute for Advanced Studies, well, the Devil Himself (I mean, Paul Ginsparg).....>:)