Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hyperspherical Universe????

Is the Universe Hyperspherical?

Of course not!!!!

A Hypersphere is described by the equation below:
x^2+y^2+z^2+w^2 +t^2=R^2

The cross-section above cannot be obtained from this equation and that means that I don't really know what is the name (if it has a name) of the 5-Dimensional Object I consider the Universe to be....

Of course, one can write the Universe parametric equations as:

Fi * C=R; (notice that I made Fi as a Cosmological Time, to make things simple)...:)

X=R* ThetaX; ThetaX is the Cosmological Angle for X.

{x,Tau} and {x', Tau'} are related through Lorentz Transforms if you consider Tau as proper time.

{x,Tau} and {x', Tau'} are related through a simple Rotation Matrix you consider Tau as a direction in the Four-Dimensional Space. This might seem confusing, but that is how I thought about the problem...

One cannot not write a theory just because an Object has no Name...

I named it Hyperspherical... I am sure someone will eventually give it the appropriate name...

In fact, now that I thought a little more about the subject, the topology might be a HyperCilindrical...:) HyperToroidal...:) ... or something lame as HyperCircular...:)

I don't know... Should I call the expansion a Lightspeed Expanding HyperToroidal or Hypercircular Universe..

If that is the case, let me know your preferences, and I will recast it as a HyperToroidal Object...:)

That is why I sought a better name for the theory which would hide this small detail.... The topology of my Universe has no name...:)

Now the Cat is Out of The Bag and I don't mean the Schrodinger Cat...:)


Frobrien said...

Enjoyed the image. It looks like a cylinder coordiate system. This system was first described in the mid 80's as the first attemp to unify gravity with E-M. locallized Magnetic curls were the problem as the go to infinity.

MP said...

Hi Frobien,

I was able to reproduce magnetism and electrostatics... without any infinities... One of the reasons is that proposed decay of dilaton intensity... I consider that the dilaton decays with a linear denominator of the type (1+P.k.r)
where P is connected to the particle spin, k is the k-vector and r is the position in the 4-D space)...

This decays is analogous to a 1/(4.pi.r^2) decay in a 3-D space...

All the equations are written in 2-D Cross sections and and span a "volume" of a multiple of 1+kr..

This volume should be "quantized"..

Notice that for kr<1 the dilaton is a free wave (not modulated by distance)...

Frobien... If you have a reference to such work, I would love to have it..



MP said...

Please, check the papers under the Header Papers... Someone left a notice complaining that there was no equations...:) Most of the equations are not reproduced in the blog... I only provide the logical framework in the blog..

The equations are in the papers... on the top right side, under the header Papers...:)



MP said...


Notice, that this model states that the whole Universe travels at the speed of light along the Radial Direction as a 4-D shock wave.

Up to now, I've never heard of any model that would propose such a hypothesis..

Most if not all the metrics have only one time and no absolute time... Mine has an absolute time and a time projection...(projection of the absolute time onto the inertial frame)..


Anonymous said...

Call the 'object' a fivedoughnut.

MP said...

Fivedoughnut might not be the best name since there is no hole in the middle...:)

The correct name is hypersphere but the coordinates are shuffled, that is, the axes associated with the standard hypersphere are not x,y,z,w. They are irrelevant (non-observables) for describing our local universe, which is described by a local Minkowskian metric.
Our X,Y,Z axes are within the lightspeed expanding hyperspherical shockwave Universe.
